Google's AI is no smarter than a first grader, study says – CNET

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Google’s AI is no smarter than a first grader, study says

Chinese researchers also found Google’s artificial intelligence technology to be twice as smart as Apple’s Siri.

Google's AlphaGo Challenges World's Best Go Player In Wuzhen

Google’s AI programme AlphaGo defeated Chinese Go player Ke Jie (left) to become the world champion.

VCG via Getty Images

Google‘s AlphaGo may have unseated Ke Jie as the Go world champion but it’s no smarter than a kindergartner.

A study published Saturday showed Google’s artificial intelligence technology scored best out of 50 systems that Chinese researchers tested against an AI scale they created, although it’s still no smarter than a six year old, CNBC reported Monday. At 47.28, it’s almost twice as smart as Apple‘s virtual assistant, Siri.

AI systems have developed so quickly that it’s been able to act as an assistant, take an exam and even outperform us at strategy games. But the results downplay the concerns of “AI worriers” who have been uneasy about how fast it’s progressing.

To evaluate how smart an intelligent system is (or has become), its ability to “acquire, master, create and feedback knowledge” has to be tested, wrote the researchers. The IQ of 50 AI systems including Google’s AI, Siri, and Chinese search engine, Baidu, as well as three humans aged 18, 12 and six, were rated in 2014. When the authors took the scores of the AI systems again in 2016, they found that Google was the smartest in years and had improved the fastest (from 26.5 to 47.28), but it wasn’t enough to beat even a six year-old who came in with a score of 55.5.

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The test also rated Google’s AlphaGo, the search giant’s AI system developed to play Go, against the authors’ intelligence grade model. AlphaGo was found to be in the third grade, which the authors say is two grades lower than that of humans.

Notable “AI worriers” include physicist Stephen Hawking and Tesla Motors and SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, who both won the 2015 Luddite Award and were branded AI “alarmists.” Hawking is a firm believer that AI could pose a real danger depending on who controls it, and argues that it could outsmart us and end humanity. Musk agrees there’s significant risk and asked for regulation in July, going as far as to suggest AI could start World War III. Alibaba founder and executive chairman, Jack Ma, thought companies could be helmed by AI systems in the next three decades.

CNET has reached out to Apple and Google for comments.

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